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Crushing plant


Environmental compatibility, noise reduction and attention to workers' health and safety: here are the main features of Gran Sagro Srl crushing plant, built in 2004 and fully operational in 2006, after an initial experience At the end of the 90's in Campagnecina, on the Apuan Alps, where the Ferrari family owns an excavation site. In 2004, then, the decision to locate a crushing plant in the heart of Massa's industrial zone, a highly strategic position due to its proximity to the motorway toll of Massa (about 900 meters) and Marina di Carrara harbor (about 4 km).


The Gran Sagro plant can produce from 130 to 170 tonnes per hour, but the daily production varies according to the demands and needs of the customers and the reference market.


Packaging and transport


Gran Sagro guarantees the customer the ability to withdraw granular bulk or packaged in Big Bags of 1500 kg each, a convenient and economical solution that thanks to a special drain valve and reinforced braces facilitate loading, unloading and displacement.


Gran Sagro guarantees safe, timely and efficient transport services, either on rubber or by sea or intermodal, for the granulate and for the marble or slab blocks that it produces and markets, always placing the demands and needs of the customer.